What is the manual and advanced AI machine chest physiotherapy CPT?
Chest physiotherapy’s precise introduction and definition
“Chest physiotherapy is a group of manual and machine operated techniques used to improve lung function and clear secretions from the body’s airways.” There are many machine and manual techniques for the CPT. Here are the few steps of CPT
Manual chest physiotherapy techniques used for CPT
There are eight best manual chest physiotherapy techniques used in respiratory track drainage.
Autogenic Drainage Technique
This is a patient-doing technique, and this includes shallow breath, slightly deeper breath, and forceful exhalation. In the first step, mucus loses its place. In the second step, mucus or secretion mobilizes, and then in the end, secretion moves to the throat for expulsion.
Chest percussion
“Chest percussion or clapping” is a drainage technique used by physiotherapists. Place cup-shaped hands on the back of the patient, ensuring the hands are not on the spine. Start striking the chest wall. The vibration of percussion mobilizes the mucus, which is then secreted.
The hands’ oscillatory movement helped apply the vibration over the patient’s chest wall during exhalation. Repeat this for several breaths.
Shaking technique
PT performs rhythmically shaking movement on the chest wall during exhalation.
Directed Coughing
The patient is instructed to cough forcefully to secrete or spell out the mucus to clear the air. He is also instructed to huff, inhale deeply, and cough afterward. In this technique, mucus secretion is quite easy.
Active breathing exercises
Combine breathing and coughing exercise techniques for the drainage of mucus.
Compression force is applied during exhalation to improve breathing by releasing secretion.
Postural Drainage Technique
In postural drainage, the patient’s position is Trendelenburg, or head down, sitting upright, or side-lying for the lower, upper, and middle lobe simultaneously.
Chest physiotherapy indications
There are many conditions in which CPT is indicated
- After chest surgeries
- Cystic fibrosis
- Bronchiectasis
- Bronchiectasis
- Pneumonia
- Post-surgical patients
- Neuromuscular disorders
- Atelectasis
- Asthma
Advanced AI machine chest physiotherapy CPT(Autogenic Drainage)
There are some AI and automatic machines that use Cpt.
- high-frequency chest wall oscillation
- intrapulmonary percussive ventilation
- Chest physiotherapy vest
Chest physiotherapy vest
The CPT vest is a high-frequency chest wall oscillatory machine that vibrates on the chest wall. Here is a picture of the CPT vest machine.
Benefits of CPT
- Improves Airway Clearance
- Prevents Lung Infections
- Enhances Lung Function
- Reduces Atelectasis
- Improves Quality of Life
- Non-Invasive and Drug-Free
- Post-surgery
- Supports Neuromuscular Conditions
- Improves Exercise Tolerance
- Reduces Hospitalization Rates
Contraindication of CPT
There are many conditions, but some are given
- Subcutaneous Emphysema
- Severe Hemoptysis
- Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
- Severe Cardiovascular Instability
- Abdominal Distension
- Severe Obesity
- Pregnancy
- Subcutaneous Emphysema
- Rib Fractures
- Flail Chest
- Severe Osteoporosis
- Pulmonary Embolism
- Injuries
- Active Hemorrhage
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