Tennis elbow best rehab treatment exercises and prevention
Before starting treatment, let us briefly explain what is a tennis elbow. Tennis elbow is a medically painful condition that causes pain on the upper lateral side or upper outer side of the elbow. It is also called lateral epicondylitis or elbow tendinitis. Tennis elbow is mainly caused by overusing the forearm’s tendons. This condition causes pain, inflammation, and loss of function due to weak hand grip strength. The pain mainly originates from the origin of the extensor muscles. Tenderness, inflammation, or bony bumps can be seen in almost all cases. Extension movements of the wrist are painful in this condition.
Overview of specially organized rehab exercises program
An organized rehab program emphasizes strengthening and stretching exercises like wrist extension, wrist flexion, and grip squeezes to treat this. Smooth movements such as isometric wrist extension help decrease muscle stress. Simple activities like rotating your wrist, Identified as wrist range of motion, and using equipment like a lightweight dumbbell or a rolled towel can improve flexibility and support recovery.
Therapeutic Solutions
When symptoms settle, progressive exercises like isotonic or dynamic wrist extension, resisted wrist supination, and towel twists rebuild strength and endurance. For added relief, stretches targeting the back of the forearm reduce tension, while activities such as fist clenching improve grip strength. Pain can be minimized through a proper rehab routine, restoring normal function and ensuring the elbow can handle repetitive movements without strain.
What are the primary and secondary exercise treatment options for tennis elbow?
Everyone should know why we are discussing primary and secondary exercises. Primary exercises are part of the initial treatment for the first 3 days. These are for pain and inflammation reduction. Before the start of exercise, the two most important things are reducing inflammation and pain.
Effect of Ice therapy in the case of elbow tendonitis
As discussed before, we start the exercise with pain management and inflammation reduction, which are some of the basic steps to start the exercise. The inflammation is reduced when we apply an ice pack to the affected elbow area.
Stretching of wrist extensor muscles
Gently stretching the affected limb by flexing the wrist. Hold for 10 seconds with three repetitions two times a day.
Wrist extensor isometric exercise
Wrest isometric strengthening is best to reduce pain. To do this, one should sit and place the affected palm side downward, facing the table. Now, resist pushing up the wrest with the active hand. use your 25% force for the movement for 10 seconds and hold ten repetitions 3 times a day
Squeezing or twisting a towel
Squeeze or twist the towel for 30 seconds, 4 to 6 repetitions, or 2 to 3 minutes without hold if it is easy and pian-free.
Extension with elastic band
The elastic rubber band strengthens the small muscles of the wrist and hand. Rap this elastic band around the finger and thumb tips, and now try to expand or open them. repeat it
What is secondary or progressive exercises plane epicondylitis
Secondary exercises are planned to improve the patient’s lifestyle.
Eccentric exercise wrist Extension
In eccentric exercise with some weight or double of 1 or half kg and do an extension of the wrist
10 to 15 repetitions 2 times a day with support forearm of affected hand. It will increase your extensor muscle strength.
Supination and pronation
Do supination and pronation for supinator and pronator strengthening in the same position.
Finger stretching
Finger stretching is done with the rubber band after the primary strengthening goal is achieved, which is pain-free movement. Stretching is done by wrapping the rubber band around the finger and thumb and extending them with a little more force than strengthening exercises.
Some other exercises that may reduce one cause of TE
Neck gentle movement and self-stretching reduce some causes of tendinitis
Start with a comfortable position and gradually increase the weight, repetitions, or duration under a therapist’s guidance.
Precautions or preventions of epicondylitis
Pre- epicondylitis precaution
If anyone is a tennis player, carpenter, office worker, or active mobile user, others do daily work using their upper limbs repeatedly, mostly the elbow joint. He should do warm-up exercises and self-stretching. if you see some weakness, reduce your practice sessions.
Post epicondylitis precaution
Post precautions include using elbow snug, braces, and kinesiology tapping, which are best to prevent further loss. tendonitis elbow brace is also a reasonable precaution for TE patients to avoid further loss. KT tape tendonitis elbow
What people asked about the tennis elbow exercises?
Is there any exercise treatment that is helpful in epicondylitis?
Yes, there are seven exercises for the treatment of tendonitis or TE.
What are the exercises I can do to help my tennis elbow?
All exercises are discussed above in the exercises portion.
What is the single best exercise for TE?
If anyone needs a single exercise that is best for primary and secondary treatment, I will suggest eccentric wrist extensor exercise.
Tennis elbow vs. golfer’s elbow
TE is the problem of the outer portion of the elbow, called the lateral epicondyle, while the golfer’s elbow affects the inner part, called the medial epicondyle.
What is the exact location where TE hurts someone?
Tendinitis causes discomfort or pain in the outer portion of the elbow, specifically the lateral epicondyle of the humerus bone.